Investor Program – When you invest your money with The Century 22 Investment Group, we have you the investor depositing your money directly into your own Escrow Account with a state licensed Escrow Company. The Century 22 Investment Group has selected one of South West Florida’s highly recommended Title Agencies to oversee and manage the escrow accounts for our clients. Once your funds are in the escrow account, they will be insured and bonded by one of the two largest title insurance companies in the United States. What this means to you is protection and security in knowing that your funds are not being mishandled.

Allow me to explain. The first step we take is to put a Joint Venture Agreement together with our clients. This agreement spells out everything that both parties agree upon such as; how and what the money is to be used for, investment term, profits and the duties and rights of both parties etc. Once we are in agreeance the second step we take is to set a time to meet the Escrow Company. There the Escrow Agent will explain their role and what the Escrow Agreement is. The escrow agreement between the Escrow Company and the investor is a legal agreement which will spell out everything originally outlined in the Joint Venture Agreement between The Century 22 Investment Group and the investor.

The Escrow Company can only distribute money out of the escrow account to The Century 22 Investment Group by which is spelled out in the escrow agreement. All original funds of the investor and any profits made for and on the behalf of the investor will get directly deposited back into the escrow account by the escrow agent at the closing of sales. The investor can feel free to check the accountability of the escrow account at any time by contacting the Escrow Company directly.

At The Century 22 Investment Group you the investor will also be given security by receiving collateral valued higher than your investment. The collateral that would be pledged to you would be real estate, such as the single family homes that we have the opportunity to buy. The values are based on a combination of today’s adjusted assessed values and appraised values not futuristic values. A reputable state licensed appraiser would set these values.

The collateral that would be given would be mortgage and lien free. This would be verified through the Escrow Company. The escrow company can perform updates for the investors at the investor’s request, to show the use of the investor’s funds in the escrow account and that the collateral is mortgage and lien free. This is noted in the Joint Venture Agreement, in paragraph 7 called Accounting.
You will also be given a generous percentage rate for the year, which we call profit on the funds you invest. These returns will be kept confidential and discussed privately with the individual investor. This is noted in the Joint Venture Agreement, in paragraph 3 called the Performance Standard.
You will also share a percentage of the profits made on each property sold. This is noted in the Joint Venture Agreement, in paragraph 6 called Profits.

The Century 22 Investment Group is not a Wall Street brokerage firm wheeling and dealing in risking peoples hard earned money for blue sky returns in the stock market. The Century 22 Investment Group is not a company that makes money for itself while their investors go broke. The Century 22 Investment Group is not a ponzi scheme in the making. For your protection and to prove to you that we mean business, we have you the investor depositing your funds directly into an escrow account with the Escrow Company. This is noted in the Joint Venture Agreement, in Paragraph 4 called the Initial Contributions.

The Century 22 Investment Group is a company with vision and a plan for the future. The vision and the plan of bringing two groups of hard working people together that have both suffered financially in the last few years.
The first group is the investors, the ones that are working or did work hard all their lives. They either achieved or almost achieved their financial goals but they are tired of losing their money and they have lost sight of where to safely put their money.
The second group is the home buyer, the people that are hard working and trying to rise above not only by their income bracket but by achieving that American dream of owning a home of their own for their families.

Our Example page will show you how we keep it simple and legal; also examples of how the program works.

The Century 22 Investment Group would like to thank you for your interest in our company. We hope you share the same vision we do.

We believe by putting the right people together, we can all achieve our dreams and goals and succeed into the future.

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